This week's collection of whimsical and curious stories will be rather short given the occasion of Canadian Thanksgiving.
Waidmannsheil - For all those still planning to serve turkey for this year's holiday, this newsletter proposes you spice up the menu and switch to unicorn instead. The more perceptive reader will realize that it is impossible to hunt unicorns but luckily Lake Superior State University offers unicorn hunting licenses free of charge. According to the university's Department of Natural Unicorns website*, a few rules need to be followed so as not to endanger a healthy unicorn population ("one unicorn per month"). You may use a bow and rubber-tipped arrows and hunt anywhere you like (including outer space).
*Unicorn hunting at LSSU was established as a university tradition in 1971 by its Director of Public Relations (Bill Rabe) who thought it would be a good way to attract public attention to an otherwise little know institution. He was clearly on to something.